BHUMP House Rules
We are here to help you learn English, Maths and other life skills and to provide you with the opportunity to prosper into well rounded adults in a safe and nurturing environment
Wherever you find us and whatever your level of English, we want to create a safe space for you to meet other learners, practise English and feel comfortable making mistakes. Here are a few rules made and agreed by our students to make sure that we provide an enjoyable learning community for everyone:
English only!
Please always write in English so everyone can understand and learn from each other.
Your username and comments must be in English so that everyone can read and understand them. It is okay if you make mistakes – you can learn a lot from them!
Age requirement!
We welcome unaccompanied asylum seekers and refugees who are aged 16-21 years old only. All will have been referred to us via social services, support workers, foster carers, and key workers. We will work with young people up to the age of 25 if they continue to be supported by social services as care leavers.
Be nice!
Please use a polite, friendly tone when interacting in the group – and respect the opinions of others.
Be open minded!
We are from many different countries, so please remember that our members come from many different cultures and backgrounds, and may have a different view of the world.
No personal details!
Please do not share any personal information (address, password, phone number, email, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat ID, etc.) in your comments.
No links to other websites or advertising!
All links to other websites will be deleted. Please do not advertise anything in your profile or comments.
Ask questions!
We love hearing from you and even if we are not able to answer all of your questions, we will reply to as many as we can.
Think first!
We will remove anything that we consider to be spam, bullying, trolling, advertising or offensive in any way. Those responsible may be banned from the page.
Stay safe!
In order to respect everyone’s privacy, please do not share private email addresses or telephone numbers within the group.
Our platforms!
For safeguarding reasons the only other platform we use are; a closed Facebook group, WhatsApp platform you can meet other young learners. To join our Facebook Group, click here