Your Virtual School Officer / Social / Key/ Support Worker, Foster Carer, would have already completed a secure referral form on your behalf to refer you to BHUMP.
If you have not yet been referred, you will not be able to access our free courses. So please speak to your support worker and ask them to refer you.

Next we will ask you to take a short, baseline assessment test so that we know what level you are at and we can then place you on the right course. We will give you the link to this assessment once we have received your referral form.
Test your English – take our free assessment test by clicking this link
After your assessment, we will discuss more details about the courses and what level suits you best.

We will email you a link and details to enable you to activate your account. Check your email and activate your account. You will be able to start your course within a week from receipt of your referral form and assessment form.
Please, note that the site’s Login button is for the exclusive use of registered students only! It provides access to student’s learning platform. After completing the referral and the assessment test, each student is emailed an access link which allows them to activate their account. As soon as the account is activated, students will be able to begin their chosen course.