At this level the learners would be expected to achieve the following :
- Read, understand and obtain information from, and respond to, straightforward continuous descriptive, explanatory, persuasive texts from different sources
- Read, understand and obtain information from continuous descriptive, explanatory or persuasive texts of varying length, detail and complexity
- Recognise how language and other textual features are used to instruct, describe and persuade
- Infer meaning from text.
- Identify, evaluate and compare information, ideas and opinions in text.
Speaking and listening
- Listen to other people and adapt their own responses to take account of listener needs when conveying information, ideas, opinions.
- They will be able to reach a shared understanding about different topics.
- Listen to other people and make clear and effective contributions, taking account of listener needs, medium, purpose and situation when conveying information, and ideas and opinions.
- The learner will be able to reach a shared agreement on outcomes appropriate to the purpose and topic.
- write to convey information, ideas and opinions, using length, format, style, vocabulary and grammar suitable for the intended purpose and audience.
- Write to convey information, ideas and opinions effectively, using length, format, style, vocabulary and grammar suitable for the intended purpose, context and audience