About Us

The young people who are referred to the project come from a widely varied number of countries. When they arrive, almost without exception they have little to no knowledge of the English language and have very limited maths skills. Each new referral undertakes an initial evaluation so that we can correctly assess their level of understanding of both written and oral English and maths.
We then provide both structured group and tailored one to one courses in English and Maths which are led by accredited tutors, reinforced with trained volunteer assistance. If at any stage we ascertain that an individual requires special assistance we provide additional help until they are able to obtain an accepted level and standard in written and spoken English and maths.
As the young people gain a better command of the English language and are able to evidence that they are gaining in confidence and learning new life skills they are expressly encouraged to take their first employment roles as volunteers.
Typically these will be in the local community and include helping at local events, helping in local hospitals by providing companionship and assisting at meal times.
We continually look to increase opportunities for the young people to volunteer as such exposure helps them and the local communities and aids in breaking down barriers, prejudices and misconceptions about asylum seekers.
Many of the young people go on to gain formal educational qualifications and with the additional life skills which they gain through the project are able to gain fulfilling and satisfying employment.
To assist them we regularly reach out to local businesses, both large and small to seek employment placements, both for experience and for more long term positions.

At the Project we provide a comprehensive range of structured workshops to enable the young unaccompanied minors to gain essential life-skills. These workshops are led in-house, both face to face and via zoom by trained staff and external providers.
Courses include but are not limited to: training in budgeting; personal hygiene; cooking, safe computer use; basic first aid; CV preparation; interview skills. The structured workshops ensure that the young people are able to effectively communicate and work as individuals and within a team.
Special emphasis is put upon helping the young people gain confidence so that they are able to both listen and communicate well and gain abilities to creatively problem solve and make important decisions.
All of the training has a specific goal to enable the young people to make valuable contributions in their local community and in wider society, ensuring that they all have equal opportunities to flourish and reach their true potential.
Introduction to our Courses
Our Courses are designed exclusively to suit your learning, whatever your level.The dedicated team at BHUMP has put together the courses on this website.
We have worked tirelessly over the last few months to bring you great content in three main areas which are English, Maths, and Life Skills.
We suggest you start with our language course as it helps you get the most out of your life whichever path you choose to follow in the future. The Life skills and Maths courses also assume you know English well.